Welcome to the EyeCandy Capital of the World

Here are some of the first one hundred creations of the world's most prolific web designer.
Approximately 99% of the million-plus sentences in The Highway Of Natural Ways
are from Mister-Shortcut to you, for you to succeed faster with shortcuts,
the best shortcuts of achievers and champions - of masters and millionaires.
The secrets of wealth, from those in the best position to know:
role models and winners, high achievers and leaders,
and, of course,
our masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.

#1 On Earth   100grand   2cents   32000   911day 2   Age14      AskRight   attitude   Ballerina   Bartender   Ben Rich   Besttest   Billionaires   Boost   boss   Censored   Closing   Cold Cure   Computers   Computer  shortcuts1   Computer  shortcuts2   Computer  shortcuts3   Computer  shortcuts4   Computer5   Critics   Criticss   Culture   Current   Cybernetic   Desire   Direction   Doctors   Doctors2   DreamDare   Economy   Enter   Failure   Focus   For Sure   Freepower   Fulcrum   Wealth   Goals   Goalsheet   Habits   Health   Healthier   Health Index   Hopeless   Horses   Hugs   Hundreds   Iceberg   Imagination   Important   Impossible?   MrShortcut 3   MrShortcut 4   MrShortcut 10   MrShortcut 11   MrShortcut 12   MrShortcut 13   MrShortcut 14    MrShortcut 15   MrShortcut 16   EyeCandy 17   MrShortcut 18   MrShortcut 19   MrShortcut 20   MrShortcut 21   MrShortcut 22   MrShortcut 23   EyeCandy 24   EyeCandy 25   MrShortcut 26   MrShortcut 27   EyeCandy 28   EyeCandy 29   MrShortcut 30   MrShortcut 31   MrShortcut 32   EyeCandy 33   EyeCandy 34   EyeCandy 35   MrShortcut 36   MrShortcut 37   MrShortcut 38   EyeCandy 39   EyeCandy 40   EyeCandy 41   MrShortcut 42   MrShortcut 43   EyeCandy 44   EyeCandy 45   MrShortcut 46   MrShortcut 47   MrShortcut 48   EyeCandy 49   EyeCandy 4b   EyeCandy 50   MrShortcut 601   EyeCandy Oll   Infants   Keyboard  Shortcuts   Last Ruby   Lawyers   Letter   List   Literacy   Lovely   Masterlinks For Online Visitors   Masters   Med Destiny   Millionaires   Millionaires2   Millionaires3   Minute   Missions   Mood   Mousetoy   Moving   Naysayers   Page2   Page22   Page23   Page3   Parents   Pareto   Paychecks   Payoffs   Payyourself   Piano   Poof   Popcorn   Power   Squib   Psoriasis   Reach   Respond   Rolemodels   Ruby 2   Ruby 3   Sales   Sales 2   Satisfaction   Science   Scoring   Shorcuts   Shortcuts   Simcha   Sock   Taffet   Texasfacts   Tom   Topmembers   Topten   Tribute   Viola   Waldo   Want More   Weddings   Wellread   Who   W Blythe IV   Windows buttons    Write