the Highway Of Natural Ways of Champions and Billionaires
You need up to one hundred thousand dollars, and you need it quickly. Let's think.
We haveA list of eighty-five thousand people who individually give away at least five million dollars per year. As a favor to us, and because you're only asking for a thousand dollars from each, fifty-five percent of our millionaire philanthropists have agreed to give youA thousand dollars, as long as you personally ask them for it within the next 24 hours.
Our question to you is, how many people will you call and/or visit in the next 24 hours? Will you even bother going out of the house if you already know in advance that 55% of these wonderful people will say "yes" by phone, as long as you call and ask personally?
How many hours will you sleep in the next 24 hours? How hard will you work to contact at least four hundred people in the next 24 hours?
Surely both you and I recognize that you're almost certain to stay awake for every one of these next 24 hours, and will dial until your fingers are quite sore, won't you? In other words, you'll have sufficient motivation to make what might be the greatest financial effort you've ever made up until today, true? Knowing that more than half of all the people you ask will actually send youA thousand dollars, you'll pick up the phone with enthusiasm and no small amount of anticipation. That's because you'll haveA vastly reduced concern about failure -- you already know in advance that you can raiseA hundred thousand dollars or more very quickly. There'sA bit of irony to be found in the fact that, had you personally been performing community service in several of the towns closest to you over the past several years, you'd probably be in a position to ask hundreds of millionaires for a donation. With America producing an average of thirteen thousand new millionaires PER WEEK for 350 weeks in a row (then increasing to twenty thousand new millionaires for each separate week of 1999 in addition to the nearly five million Americans already earning an average of eighty thousand dollars per month), the odds are high that you haveA thousand millionaires living withinA hundred miles of your house, if not withinA mile or two.
Community service isA powerful. Hopefully, you'll begin planting seeds with just an hour or two per week from today forward. If you haven't made use of this wonderful tool, let's not beatA dead horse, and move towards techniques to use immediately for raisingA hundred thousand dollars (or some other amount) quickly.
For those who haven't given consistent service to others, you certainly have the Internet, and other resources by which you can easily, quickly, inexpensively obtain contact information for many tens of thousands of millionaires and at least a hundred of America's billionaires, and several million millionaires. Obviously, you can also look closer to home. The only two perfectly common traits you can find among upper-level millionaires and billionaires is that they know precisely what they want, and they ask more people to help them get it.... they ask more people than you do.
Proof? The proof is that they get what they want. They ask more, and they obtain more.
It really is that simple, and if you knew better, you'd do better, wouldn't you?
Perhaps the single most frustrating facet of teaching and sharing life's most magnificent shortcuts - our PowerGems - is the sight of people responding hugely and enthusiastically to information like this... ...
... ... and then seeing them revert to normal, barely mediocre efforts. With billionaire after billionaire clearly stating that they became billionaires because they repeatedly ask for what they want, over and over and over again, it is patently clear that this is the single largest, fastest, and most powerful of all human shortcuts: ASKING.
If you really want that hundred grand quickly, if you are genuinely and indestructibly focused on raising that hundred thousand dollars quickly, you surely realize that you must ask for it.
Considering we're talking about more than just lunch money here, it means being more creative in how you ask, sure, because we all know that what we say is usually secondary to HOW we say it. In this case, it's how we ask that is even more important than what we ask.
That being established and re-inforced, creativity is just one of several tools to use here. The most important one is, of course, to ask more people and ask those people more. How complicated does anything need to be? Ask more, and you receive more.
Let's avoid the frustration of seeing beautiful, potent, useful PowerGems going to waste. Let's use them to the fullest.
If you live in the U.S.A., there are thousands of millionaires withinA likely maximum of forty miles or less from where you live. With millions of millionaires spread across the country, some of them are close to you.
Take the initiative! Identify who the wealthy people are in your area; it's not that hard to do.... if you need to raise that hundred thousand dollars quickly, that is.
CreateA brief, written statement about what you need the money for, and WHY THEY SHOULD GIVE IT TO YOU!!
When we haveA strong enough "why," we inevitably findA good enough "how." Giving peopleA top-notch reason for giving you this money mathematically increases the likelihood of obtaining the answer that you are seeking.
Then ask, ask, ask, and ask again. When they say no, ask why, so you can figure out how to forestall that objection with the person you're asking... or the next one.
With every objection, refine your statement and question, and refine the answers you give to their questions. Within days, you will see how exciting this method is, because you will see yourself getting closer and closer to achieving the goal of raising that hundred thousand dollars, or whatever amount you're seeking.
PowerGems are like great big hammers -- they will never bangA nail into the wall while sitting on the shelf.
We need to take them down off the shelf and put them to use, hm?
Can you even think of a better day than today to begin asking more people for what you most want? |