Mister_Shortcut invites YOU to quit smoking here at the world's largest personal website
With special thanks to NCI and NIH for creating this program

Ways of Quitting:

With so many ways of quitting smoking, one big step that is concomitant with both the Lane of Greater Success and Highway Of Natural Ways is the element of focus. Rather than jumping from program to program, or substance to chemical to naturopathic approach, pick one. - - Giving it your all, you will rapidly know if that unique approach is the one best-suited to you, your temperament, physiology, etc. If and when you get to where you decide it is not for you, fine. Pick another, and invest all of your focus into that until such time as you decide that it is working for you, or not. Personal choice, and high focus; Sounds like the best of the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success.

Switch Brands

  • Switch to a brand you find distasteful.

  • Change to some "way-off" brand, one you have always been unlikely to even try. Give a whirl with a brand, for example, that is low in tar and nicotine a couple of weeks before your target date. This will help change your smoking behavior. However, do not smoke more cigarettes, inhale them more often or more deeply, or place your fingertips over the holes in the filters. All of these will increase your nicotine intake, and the idea is to get your body use to functioning without nicotine.

EASIER SAID THAN DONE, and still, do-able: Reduce the Number of Cigarettes You Smoke

  • Smoke only half of each cigarette.

  • Each morning, give effort to put off lighting that first cigarette. Those who smoke in the first hour are so much more likely to get cancer, so, postponing the pleasure not only reduces cancer risk, but there is another benefit. - - Both the Lane of Greater Success and Highway Of Natural Ways include the pleasure of delayed gratification, since delaying such a presumably "gratifying" moment makes it taste and otherwise seem better.

  • Decide you'll only smoke during odd or even hours of the day.

  • Decide beforehand how many cigarettes you'll smoke during the day. For each additional cigarette, give a dollar to your favorite charity.

  • Change your eating habits to help you cut down. For example, drink milk, which many people consider incompatible with smoking. End meals or snacks with something that won't lead to a cigarette.

  • Reach for a glass of juice instead of a cigarette for a "pick-me-up."

  • Remember: Cutting down can help you quit, but it's not a substitute for quitting. If you're down to about 7 cigarettes a day, it's time to set your target quit date and get ready to stick to it.

Don't Smoke "Automatically"

  • Smoke only those cigarettes you really want. Catch yourself before you light up a cigarette out of pure habit.

  • Make a mini-habit of leaving your ashtrays dirty and full, hahahahaha. Seriously. The Lane of Greater Success loves this one. This will remind you of how many cigarettes you've smoked each day, and the sight and the smell of stale cigarettes butts will be very unpleasant.

  • Make yourself aware of each cigarette by using the opposite hand or putting cigarettes in an unfamiliar location or a different pocket to break the automatic reach.

  • If you light up many times during the day without thinking about it, try to look in a mirror each time you put a match to your cigarette–you may decide you don't need it.

Make Smoking Inconvenient - Use Lane of Greater Success and Highway Of Natural Ways Tricks For This

  • Surely you realize that smokers who buy entire cartons at a time find it easier and more convenient to light up that much more. Teaching ourselves to quit smoking forever surely including making this one tiny alteration for big, notable results. Hold off on buying your cigarettes by the carton. Remember that you were born to live the best features of and that you are committed to being smoke-free. At least wait until one pack is empty before you buy another.

  • Stop carrying cigarettes with you at home or at work. Make them difficult to get to.

Make Smoking Unpleasant - Take The Lane of Greater Success View Of Quitting Smoking Forever

  • Smoke only under circumstances that aren't especially pleasurable for you. If you like to smoke with others, smoke alone. Turn your chair to an empty corner and focus only on the cigarette you are smoking and all its many negative effects.

  • Collect all your cigarette butts in one large glass container as a visual reminder of the filth made by smoking.
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