Reaching For More Within Your Highway Of Natural Ways
Look at five, ten, even a hundred things that you have to repeat throughout your life.
Whether it's learning to tie your shoelaces better, or something advanced in biotechnology,
you have the never-ending choice of doing things the same way each time... or, to improve at it.
Achieving the best results of your life, again and again, can be achieved at definitively accelerated speeds.
A) How excited are you? The only two reasons for doing anything is fear, or desire. So, what are you hungriest for?
B) Until you list people, sites, organizations, and their contact info, and brief description of what you're asking them for,
you are still short of imitating the people who repeated do it best, the masters and champions who ROUTINELY win.
Who shows it best prove to know it best.
Imitate their actions to imitate their results.
Reaching for more has several meanings, as with every piece of great wisdom you'll ever encounter in this life.
Helping other people get what they want, where you only look down on people because you're offering a hand up.
Helping the people in your immediate circle get what you both want most, increasing cooperation, effort, enthusiasm.
These powerful methods and vantage points of reaching for more are wonderful, profitable, indubitably pleasant.
Still, they are, at best, tertiary and secondary benefits to the power of reaching for more in you. Nothing beats that.
Can you learn one or two or three new words every day of your life? Every morning, one word, from ebulliance and pathos,
to repartee or gasconade or thousands of other engaging, delightfully descriptive words someone took time to create for YOU,
you can include 60 seconds of learning a new word every time you ever eat lunch. True, or not? You can, so, it's "Will you?"
Reaching for more is a choice. For anyone wishing to be a master, to break and shatter world records, ala MisterShortcut, less talking and more doing. Reaching for more is a religious incantation and imperative, getting one percent better... again.
You can be the dumbest person in your group, you will outshine everyone. One percent more effort means, at some point, one percent improvement.
Each group of 100 repetitions means you double, OR MORE, every time
Stop forming opinions. No opinion has value before extensive knowledge, and extensive experience,
not just "some limited knowledge," and a penchant trenchant skill in presenting AS IF a real expert.
Summarily, who does it best knows it best, everyone else needs to zip it and imitate the best, proven recipe. That's the point of the Highway Of Natural Ways, it really is the Highway Of Natural Ways WITHIN YOU NOW.
You knew shortcuts as a kid, you knew the magical secret of wealth, the only and only shortcut that approaches perfection. the greatest secret of wealth is neither more or less than asking more people more times each. It's the Alpha and Omega.
Asking more people more times each, offering a hand of assistance to the humans around you in need of a hand. Look how many ways there are for any of us to reach for more... today, even now.
"Reaching for more" has so many applications within the Highway Of Natural Ways, so reach for more within you.