Looking at some of the approaches to pain managment
to treat pain and physical debility:

ULTRASOUND: designed to heat the affected area and agitate very high frequency (100,000 Hz range) which requires the presence of an attendant to avoid tissue damage from the localized heating that occurs

T.E.N.S.: Simple acronym for transcutaneous electronic nerve stimulation. The T.E.N.S. unit focuses on accomplishing two very separate tasks. First, it provides a form of "microtrauma" to the affected muscles by applying direct, electrical nerve stimulation. This induces more muscle activity to speed up the natural healing process that comes with every full circulation of your bloodstream. Secondly, it encourages the brain to produce natural pain-killing chemicals such as dopamine.

There is an arguable drawback, although it carries no known dangers to the muscle tissue which is subjected to the T.E.N.S. treatment. TENS also desensitizes the brain to the pain signals, which provides both benefit and food for considerable concern. As a former patient who benefited extensively from T.EN.S. for some three years, the writer can support this particular concern: sensitivity reduction regarding pain is not necessarily a benefit, for two separate reasons:

1) Reduction of the pain signals specifically causes the brain to be less sensitive to the body's healing needs.

2) Reduction of the brain's sensitivity means less physical awareness of one or more surfaces of one or more body parts, simply meaning that, there are times when an injury such as laceration takes place and you are utterly unaware of it until you actually notice blood. Generally, this is not a good thing. Pain is not pleasant to experience on a long-term basis, yet it is vitally important function because it is, in the most literal terms, the human body's alarm system. Pain indicates that attention is required by the specific area of the body which set off the alarm we call "pain."

__Pain pills: Pain-killing drugs are effective in killing pain. they work in the single most dangerous fashion imaginable: they numb the nerves and the human brain itself. Pain relief comes at the expense of both impaired awareness AND impeded healing. As the pain gets worse and as tolerance to the drug increases, more frequent... and, in the longer term, higher doses are required. Common side effects are reduced physical and mental performance, and, as we all know too well, higher probabilities of addiction, which in itself brings on a slew of additional challenges, and not only physical challenges.

4) The natural pain relief device infuses the area of pain or injury with very low frequency (7.83 - 13.5 Hz) chaotic sound waves which literally break up the pain and open neural pathways to the brain for enhanced mind-body communication. This releases the body's vital resources for accelerated healing. It is safe enough to use at home without an attendant.

The device, with its patented new Chaos Delivery System, is extraordinarily effective. While other devices have their uses, none offer the performance, convenience, and safety of this impressive natural pain relief device.

Completely natural and easy to use, the device relieves pain with massage action that invigorates the body and attunes the mind.

The result is a superior pain management system that improves local circulation and nerve communication from the point of pain to the brain center responsible for "managing" that pain.

The pleasant sonic impulses of the device are experienced like bubbling water, and treatment is effective whether the transducer is applied directly to the skin, through clothing or casts, or even several inches away from the body. Most will experience a gentle relaxation, while others feel tingling or a pleasnat warmth. the device is classified by the FDA as a 510(k) Therapeutic Massager. Thousands of natural pain relief devices are in use in doctors offices and clinics throughout the U.S.A. Millions of treatments are provided every year.

The author of this article, in the process of building this website for Dr. Cohen, has personally observed the difference in how people enter Dr. Cohen's offices in clearly obvious pain, departing as little as as little as a half-hour later with an observable difference in their comportment. Each and every single patient who has gone through this treatment in the two weeks I've been here building these sites reports definite relief, generally reported with what certainly appears to be heartfelt smiles.

Chronic pain has a nasty habit of interfering with all aspects of daily life, as the word "chronic" indicates, which means "persistent or without end." Sleepless nights lead to low energy, irritability, and inability to work. Pain management techniques that work wonders in actue situations often diminish in effectiveness within a few weeks. That's why your doctor utilizes the natural pain relief device, one of the most important healing technologies in the world today.

It is believed that only one treatment will engage a sufficient reduction of your pain that you'll be forever convinced of the value of the advanced technology used by the Infratron. We can only tell you about the pain relief it offers, naturopathic pain relief that requires no drugs, no surgery.

Of course you are the only one who can make the call on this
Since the device IS available throughout the country, there's no need for you to travel great distances. You can find someone closer to you, or you can inquire about purchasing a QGM Natural Pain Relief device.

Welcome to the Psychology of Longevity,


Ayurvedic Medicine       Acoustic Cardiograph       Harmony

Bodyscan2010       Stress I

Rife Technology

Doctors       Doctors II       E.M.I.
  Health       Health2

Herbal Medicine       Herbal Medicine II       Index

Natural Pain Relief       Breath of Life       Pain Relief

Masters and Millionaires       Bodyscan Article II      

Mineral Infrared Therapy     
YOUR Medical Dollars      Newspaper Article      Flower Essence Therapy

Masters and Millionaires - eye candy tour

Naturopathic Medicine       Naturopathy II

Oregano       Oxygen Therapy       Contents       QXCI


Endorsements  (Patients, Doctors, Practitioners, et alia)

Erasing Starvation, Easing Hunger With Highway Of Natural Ways

If you recognize that the earth's residents are not treating each other particularly well,
then you possess sufficient awareness of your surroundings to make a huge difference.
Selfish benefit is your best reason for helping the helpless.
If you think that you can save lives every day for thousands of days, or even hundreds of days...
without having the universe generously repaying you, then you still don't know Newton's Law.

Rather than paying directly for the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success:
How sweet it is: Reduce starvation, and more, with FREE CLICKS. Sponsors pay for each click - Wow!
What goes up, must come down, what goes around comes around. Help the helpless, to see the action.
When you save lives, you can be ENTIRELY confident that the universe will repay you, & generously.

Hunger and Poverty:
Let's end starvation
Live the Lane of Greater Success
Help others to live stronger longer
BE Your Highway Of Natural Ways
Giving Means Getting

Feed Hungry in Brazil

Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

Word Puzzle Homeless Kids

Food for Hungry in India

Hungry Children (PAGE DOWN once)

Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)

TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved

Feed Kids in Africa (Click Cup)

Seeds for Africa (Quiz)

Help Children - (Care2.com)

Donate Rice (Click Answers)

Donate 2 Days Clean Water - (CareToClick)

Purify Water - CareToClick

Donate Bread (Click Loaf)

Help Plant a Tree and help save the world

Donate Vitamins + Child Health Care - (CareToClick)

The Child Health Site

Kid's Hospital In Mexico - Click button on left

Childrens Health (Japanese)

Help Prevent Teen Suicide

1 Day of Education - (CareToClick)

4 Minutes of Education - No click needed!

Give Free Books Literacy Site

Books & SEVERAL others - China - Just click each button, hit CTRL W to close each window. Great!

Word Puzzle Philippine Aid

Listen to Donate to Charity

New York Charities

Charities Japan

Poverty Rural Mexico

Watch a Video $1 goes to Village

Word Puzzle for Water

Fight Animal Cruelty - (CareToClick.com)

Animal Rescue Site

Rescue Animals 
- (Care2.com)

Help Animals - (clicanimaux.com)

Animal Blankets

DonateDog Food

Meals for Dogs

Shelter Dogs Poland

Dogs Japan

Donate Cat Food

Savethe Big Cats - (Care2.com)

Feed a Big Cat

Save Chimps - (Care2.com)

Feed Chimps - (RedJellyFish)

Help Horses - (clicanimaux.com)
Lane of Greater Success Horsie

Core Principles Of The Highway Of Natural Ways Assure Repayment
When You Alleviate Hunger and Starvation, ESPECIALLY In Kids

Highway Of Natural Ways EyeCandy

If you knew better, you would do better. The Highway Of Natural Ways imitates those who do.

Cease forming opinions before thinking. If your opinion was right, you would be a master now.
Use of the Lane of Greater Success and Highway Of Natural Ways virtually assures your mastery.
From today, remember to imitate masters, and THEN innovate with your knowledge and experience.
Trading just one of every ten chatty, petty minutes for ONE minute of your greatest thinking profits you.
The best opinions you can benefit from are opinions of those who have repeatedly out-succeeded the rest.
The Highway Of Natural Ways is YOUR journey of self-empowerment, with YOUR Godfather of EyeCandy, etc.
Employ the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and, provably, YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. The Highway Of Natural Ways is here for your life.
Much of the Highway Of Natural Ways is based on secrets of masters and millionaires.
Mimicking the actions of masters and millionaires, we tend to imitate their results.
Until you replicate their results, or nearly so, your opinion is counter-profitable.
Get it first from the mouth of the horse, imitate, & THEN might you innovate.
This is a decidedly powerful master secret of the universe, a top shortcut.

Winning On Purpose - Of COURSE There Are Easy Shortcuts   - Look For People Already Doing It 
Suggestions of the Highway Of Natural Ways Regarding Success, Hunger Eradication, and magic secrets.

Excellence is not known to happen by accident, so, win intentionally.
Find more within yourself, and such rich, uncountable assets you now have access to.
Live YOUR Lane of Greater Success and Highway Of Natural Ways using what you have.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Conversely, each day that you fill with moments to remember, you need no refund.
Thus, living with excellence is a choice, one that you will find happens WITH PURPOSE.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
That's a high-speed approach to grabbing the Highway Of Natural Ways with both hands, hm?
Intentionally improving by ONE percent all that you need to repeat proves YOUR master secret.
Engage the Highway Of Natural Ways to accelerate your mastery, and the Highway Of Natural Ways will reciprocate.
Alleviating hunger, MOST ESPECIALLY in starving children, is among YOUR best and fastest shortcuts.    Try it.
Put this to the test! Belief in the Highway Of Natural Ways is not required at all
Find helpless people or animals, and help them. The more anonymously you give, the more you get back.
How could you consider forming an opinion about anything you have not yet displayed any expertise in?
Our first and best step when we identify what we are determined to excel at is to identify true masters.
Once we imitate their steps, even their attitudes and words and questions and statements, WATCH!
Watch and see as each of us who uses this masterful formula imitates the results, or nearly so.
World records, broken-shattered countless numbers of times. Heed a voice of experience.
Most anything you ever master, or intend to, already has champions, true, or not?
Identify who does it best. Imitate what they do most often, imitate their results.
You get to choose who you imitate, just as you choose what you will master

Until you imitate their results, ALL opinions all-silent.
Use this high-speed master secret of your universe.
Magic results in one to twenty-one days for 99% of humans.
What you know is second to what you do with what you know.

Take back your precious minutes. Plan your daily hours in advance.
Imitate masters. Help the helpless. See what happens to YOUR profit.
Easing starvation, a purely preventable disease of greed, you will win.

Look at those living their own Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success.
They win on purpose by imitating the best of the rest of us, and THEN innovating on it.
Are you sharp enough to count the fullest number of universal shortcuts in this Shapetalk?
Raise your IQ, rapidly, by merely hand-writing all of them, in your own words, repeatedly.
Before looking for new resources, first squeeze more from the brains and assets you possess.
Highway Of Natural Ways foundations and fundamentals are aimed at YOUR rapid and total winning.

QRA - The Most Incredible One-Second Test For Energy - Learn For Life!
If you wish to pretend that you know more, feel free. OR, learn more and you will!
INSTANTLY increase your intelligence each time you use this one-second test

If you do not know how to do the one-second energy test, your life is incomplete.
More vitally to your interests, your knowledge of life and health is incomplete.
From www.QRA.me or many other QRA websites, you can learn this easy test.

It only takes a few seconds to learn, even for children. Use it for life.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions certainly tend to be, hm?

The Lane of Greater Success urges you to learn more, so you can live more.
Of all that is shared within the Lane of Greater Success and many sister sites,
you'll have a hard time finding a tool more useful, for life, than the energy test.
EVERYTHING you see can be assessed for its energy levels, and their effect on you.
If you, for example, point to your fusebox with the first finger (index) of your left hand,
while someone gently pries your thumb and finger apart before and after you point to fusebox,
you will see: While you are pointing to fusebox, refrigerator, or any other significant electrical device,

You can like or dislike the realities of this test, but do you want to be near what makes you weak?
QuantumReflexAnalysis.com,     QRA.me,
these are just some of the many great QRA websites you can get more information from, freely, naturally.
Learn more, that you might live more, or at least increase your probabilities of a better and greater longevity.

Never Forget Your Highway Of Natural Ways - It's Already Within You

As well, the Highway Of Natural Ways serves to help you to help yourself, via self-empowering shortcuts.
Every human endeavor, including those within has proven to yield masters.

The Highway Of Natural Ways is about imitating the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Universal shortcuts, called PowerGems at the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success, help you.
Specifically, they help you to help yourself, which puts you in a better position to help the TRULY helpless.
Newton's 3rd law of physics teaches us that what you do comes back to you, as it is for all of us humans.

So, engaging the universal shortcuts, the effective PowerGems of the Highway Of Natural Ways, you win.
The Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success are gifts of MisterShortcut, for and to you.
Kindly engage them to help yourself, then reach out to help more of the world's poor helpless.

"Poor helpless" has more than one meaning. Here's to hoping you intercept at least one.
Universal shortcuts are a magnificent path towards winning, your kind of total winning.

QRA - The Most Incredible One-Second Test For Energy - Learn For Life!
If you wish to pretend that you know more, feel free. OR, learn more and you will!
INSTANTLY increase your intelligence each time you use this one-second test

If you do not know how to do the one-second energy test, your life is incomplete.
More vitally to your interests, your knowledge of life and health is incomplete.
From www.QRA.me or many other QRA websites, you can learn this easy test.

It only takes a few seconds to learn, even for children. Use it for life.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions certainly tend to be, hm?

The Lane of Greater Success urges you to learn more, so you can live more.
Of all that is shared within the Lane of Greater Success and many sister sites,
you'll have a hard time finding a tool more useful, for life, than the energy test.
EVERYTHING you see can be assessed for its energy levels, and their effect on you.
If you, for example, point to your fusebox with the first finger (index) of your left hand,
while someone gently pries your thumb and finger apart before and after you point to fusebox,
you will see: While you are pointing to fusebox, refrigerator, or any other significant electrical device,

You can like or dislike the realities of this test, but do you want to be near what makes you weak?
QuantumReflexAnalysis.com,     QRA.me,
these are just some of the many great QRA websites you can get more information from, freely, naturally.
Learn more, that you might live more, or at least increase your probabilities of a better and greater longevity.

Never Forget Your Highway Of Natural Ways - It's Already Within You

As well, the Highway Of Natural Ways serves to help you to help yourself, via self-empowering shortcuts.
Every human endeavor, including those within has proven to yield masters.

The Highway Of Natural Ways is about imitating the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Universal shortcuts, called PowerGems at the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success, help you.
Specifically, they help you to help yourself, which puts you in a better position to help the TRULY helpless.
Newton's 3rd law of physics teaches us that what you do comes back to you, as it is for all of us humans.

So, engaging the universal shortcuts, the effective PowerGems of the Highway Of Natural Ways, you win.
The Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success are gifts of MisterShortcut, for and to you.
Kindly engage them to help yourself, then reach out to help more of the world's poor helpless.

"Poor helpless" has more than one meaning. Here's to hoping you intercept at least one.
Universal shortcuts are a magnificent path towards winning, your kind of total winning.

QRA - The Most Incredible One-Second Test For Energy - Learn For Life!
If you wish to pretend that you know more, feel free. OR, learn more and you will!
INSTANTLY increase your intelligence each time you use this one-second test

If you do not know how to do the one-second energy test, your life is incomplete.
More vitally to your interests, your knowledge of life and health is incomplete.
From www.QRA.me or many other QRA websites, you can learn this easy test.

It only takes a few seconds to learn, even for children. Use it for life.
The more you learn, the wiser your decisions certainly tend to be, hm?

The Lane of Greater Success urges you to learn more, so you can live more.
Of all that is shared within the Lane of Greater Success and many sister sites,
you'll have a hard time finding a tool more useful, for life, than the energy test.
EVERYTHING you see can be assessed for its energy levels, and their effect on you.
If you, for example, point to your fusebox with the first finger (index) of your left hand,
while someone gently pries your thumb and finger apart before and after you point to fusebox,
you will see: While you are pointing to fusebox, refrigerator, or any other significant electrical device,

You can like or dislike the realities of this test, but do you want to be near what makes you weak?
QuantumReflexAnalysis.com,     QRA.me,
these are just some of the many great QRA websites you can get more information from, freely, naturally.
Learn more, that you might live more, or at least increase your probabilities of a better and greater longevity.

Never Forget Your Highway Of Natural Ways - It's Already Within You

As well, the Highway Of Natural Ways serves to help you to help yourself, via self-empowering shortcuts.
Every human endeavor, including those within has proven to yield masters.

The Highway Of Natural Ways is about imitating the shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Universal shortcuts, called PowerGems at the Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success, help you.
Specifically, they help you to help yourself, which puts you in a better position to help the TRULY helpless.
Newton's 3rd law of physics teaches us that what you do comes back to you, as it is for all of us humans.

So, engaging the universal shortcuts, the effective PowerGems of the Highway Of Natural Ways, you win.
The Highway Of Natural Ways and Lane of Greater Success are gifts of MisterShortcut, for and to you.
Kindly engage them to help yourself, then reach out to help more of the world's poor helpless.

"Poor helpless" has more than one meaning. Here's to hoping you intercept at least one.
Universal shortcuts are a magnificent path towards winning, your kind of total winning.

One of Dr. Cohen's primary goals is to provide the best possible information and suggestions leading to
fast, effective pain relief with no drugs, no surgery. Strictly a naturopathic approach, using methods that heal us naturally.
Living Stronger For Longer with your healthiest website ever created, The Highway Of Natural Ways
Since we very consistently find what we seek most in life, let us look for the natural approaches.
Let us repeat, silently or aloud, what it is we seek: Longevity, live longer, live better, live healthier with naturopathy, which means healing naturally.
naturopathic approaches to living longer healthier and better.
NY naturopathic doctors, the best naturopaths in America
healing naturally, naturopathic medicine, naturopathic practitioners, naturopathic doctors, naturopathy, healthiest website, Ayurvedic Medicine, and for SURE you are recommended to learn about BodyScans, at the healthiest website on the internet.

Dr. Cohen wants YOU to heal naturally, and to live longer and healthier and happier.
That's why the Highway Of Natural Ways, developed by MrShortcut,
is free for YOUR lifetime.

The Highway Of Natural Ways, as tHE HEALTHIEST Website on the internet, focuses on YOU living longer better, living healthier longer, herbal medicine, healing naturally, acoustic cardiograph, oxygen therapy, herbal cures, natural healing, pain relief, healing naturally, Highway Of Natural Ways,

Great example is oil of oregano, one of Nature's most powerful substances. In fact, it has been used for all of these health challenges going back AT LEAST as far back as the health practitioners of Venice who wrote about oil of oregano's effectiveness nearly seven centuries ago..naturopathy along with biosyntonic, qxci, and chelative or chelation therapy for remove metal toxins from the bloodstream, and other therapies. Learn more from
natural, drug-free pain relief. Naturopathic approaches have proven to be more effective than conventional medicine.

Natural Pain Relief Ala The Route To High Longevity - Manage The Pain

Obtaining natural pain relief means, first and foremost, managing your experience of chronic pain.

That may seem like an oversimplified statement, and yet, study proves that pain relief is managed.
Did you know that your diet plays a material role in what your levels and type of chronic pain are?
If you are not stretching your muscles several times per day, how do you expect pain relief?
If you are not drinking at least a few ounces of water every waking hour of your life,
do you think it's fair to expect that you will succeed in getting natural pain relief?
Do you take a nice hot shower at least several times per week, with a filter?
If not, the poisons you take in are greater than those in drinking water!
A ten-minute shower delivers the chlorine of eight glasses of water.
Thus, the Route To High Longevity reminds you of the criticality of learning.
You must learn more if you wish to accomplish more, so it makes sense to learn.
Typing " natural pain relief" at any search engine is a powerful starting point.

Relying on drugs or surgery for pain relief has rarely ever proven to be a wise decision for those who have done so.
Search. Learn. You will rapidly find that natural pain relief is not only safer and healthier than drug-based pain relief, it cost less.

Learn more so you can live more, and, if all goes even partly to plan, you will learn to give more, brings you back to living more.
You really must stop forming opinions, for they are proving so ill-informed. No less than 80 percent of our opinions are not fact-based.
Opinions are handed to us by the people we admire, and by the people who exercise the greatest amount of control over our decisions.

Please hold off on forming an opinion - on this and everything - until you taste the fruit of knowledge that call "personal experience."
Achieving natural forms of pain relief from chronic pain is one chapter of your life. Your life is a book of so many chapters.
As respectfully as can be submitted under these circumstances, I have broken or shattered world records in this day.
You can call it bragging, if you wish. The Highway Of Natural Ways coign of vantage sees it as an announcement.
You do not and cannot pay me, or thank me or praise me to my face, as I live to shatter records, day after day.
The single greatest reason why we can see MisterShortcut with a stunning string of successes in this,
more than any other factor that you are likely to consider, cogitate upon, or suggest to teachers,
is the inner hunger that drives - without an observed exception - every human achievement.
Start with natural pain relief. If you are hungry enough to safely reduce your chronic pain,
then learn the natural approaches, methods, supplements, and use them many times.
Each facet of these approaches that delivers you real success is now fungible.
That means you can transfer the same success secrets of natural pain relief.
Shortcuts are universal. What works here works there when it is re-formed.
Search for people who have gotten natural pain relief from chronic pain.
Those who do it best prove that they know it best, among all the rest.
They are the only people whose opinion I am hungry to learn of.
Everyone else is chattering inanely, without true experience.
The 2nd reason I shatter so many records? Teachers.
Those who do it the best are my sweet teachers.
I heed and imitate them, ignoring all others.

Who taught you today? What did they teach you?
Who did you learn from today? You learned what?
Everything else is useless chatter, do you see?

Today, you get to speak less and do more, so do it!
Natural pain relief from chronic pain is there. Take it.

MisterShortcut, First & Only Guarantor of YOUR success the Route To High Longevity

Mr-Shortcut, creator of unique millions of pages sharing Lane of Greater Success self-health secrets,
is pleased to host many, many hundreds of these healthiest websites, including the Route To High Longevity,
filled with powerfully useful health tips proven time and again to promote living stronger for longer... naturally

Despite the growing attention of Dr. Cohen's work throughout a growing number of countries,

Please have your questions ready when you call... and be prepared to take notes

The Route To High Longevity aims to be the world's healthiest and largest natural website.
By "natural website," the reference is, of course, to naturopathically-inclined methods.
From natural remedies such as oil of oregano or olive oil, it's about nutrition.
As well, it is about interference fields caused by each injury or trauma.
Learn to erase them with mudpacks and see delightful, better results.

Make use of this, your largest naturopathic website,
which may qualify it as the internet's healthiest website.   That is left to you.

Richly endowed with your healthiest and wealthiest shortcuts, secrets of those who do more.

Imagine a medical doctor hosting over a hundred free health-related websites!   Not anytime soon, we think.
The Route To High Longevity is HUGE -- IE users: Tap any letter, number or character (even upper-case) on your keyboard for more Route To High Longevity

Click up to the top of this Highway Of Natural Ways page

The Route To High Longevity is not here to solve your problems for you, or on your behalf, not by a long shot.
The Route To High Longevity is designed to help you to help yourself, and to increase your learning skills.

You will rapidly find that the more you embrace the Route To High Longevity, the more the Route To High Longevity embraces you.
Whether you want to quit smoking forever, or obtain natural pain relief from chronic pain, the Route To High Longevity helps you to help yourself.