designer, producer, owner of more personal websites than you, or anyone you know. Including Bill Gates.
Get it from the horse's mouth -- or get caught at the wrong end of the horse.
The Bard:"Our doubts are traitors which makes us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt."
Masters and Millionaires HotClick GW Bush
Welcome to the largest website ever created by a single pair of hands.
Along with tributes to our heroes and victims of 911day, and facts/observations about one of the Dirty trials of the 20th century, the vast bulk of these pages are made up of the primary shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires.
Comprised of millions of separate web pages contained on more than 1,000+ unique sites, all tied together. Dedicated to the late, great Monsignor Bernard Francis Kellogg, Oprah, and the life-changing generosity of Paul Newman (anyone who gives away a hundred million dollars worth of food gets applause)... and, most of all, dedicated to you.
Dedicated specifically to YOU becoming a master, a millionaire, a champion, a billionaire.
Not a dime has changed hands on this world-class project of shortcuts, designed to increase America's population of masters and millionaires by a mere one percent. This means 70,000 of 300,000,000 people are certainly competent to join the ranksof the most achieved, most fulfilled people amongst us: masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires: masters of shortcuts.
Our only fee is an expectation that a portion of your newer profits be invested feeding hungrier people. Even today, you can feed someone for free with free clicks

Remember 911 day forever, by using the high-powered achievement shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires, to live the dreams we shared.
Remember 911day.
Remember 911day. Remember 911day forever.
The best way to remember our 911day victims and heroes is to live more, do more, be more, and give more
Welcome to the largest personal website in the world, with MrShortcut
This is, without a doubt, the largest personal website that will ever be built with several hundred thousand unique web pages... all by one pair of hands.
Be sure you feed people hungrier than you, and the rewards will astound and delight you.
Leap into the Highway Of Natural Ways... of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Never Underestimate Your Internal Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity
Both the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity are as flexible as you are. While the so-called "rules," the PowerGems are written in the stone and sands of time, each of the PowerGems, both health and wealth PowerGems, are as flexible as you. Whether you ask more people more times each, or drink an ounce of water per lb, your schedule, your requirements, your use of time require personal customizing.
The Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity are malleable.
Examine each PowerGem. Since they have worked for millions, they will work for you.
Find ways to customize each HealthGem, each PowerGem, so that they fit within your life. Face Life's Truth: If I try ten times, and you try a thousand, you will always end up doing better. Whether you do it a thousand times in a thousand days, or three hundred, or a hundred, is up to you. Have the courage to do it a thousand times, with at least a tiny improvement with each of your repetitions.
In a thousand days, or three hundred, or a hundred, as you choose, you will recognize your developing mastery.
Please stop pretending that you know better than those who are doing better. Speak less, and do more. Identify the masters and millionaires and champions in YOUR chosen area, and imitate them relentlessly. Once you are familiar with their repeated statements, and attitudes, and actions, THEN add your initiative. The Highway Of Natural Ways can assure you: it will not take a thousand tries for you to start excelling. The one thousand mark is merely a place on your highway by which you can measure your mastery.
Imagine how your body will feel after a thousand days of more water and liquid fruits, vegetables. Imagine how much money you get when you ask a thousand people and more, repeatedly. In every human arena, whoever asks the most people the most times obtains the most. This is a master secret of your universe. If you knew better, you would do better. Make today the most forward-leaping of your life by deciding on more.
Less talk, with more action, will find you shattering your records. Best of all, these master secrets take effect immediately. Highway Of Natural Ways, Route To High Longevity.