The Most Magical Shortcuts To Success,
with The Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity, and YOUR most magical shortcuts

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The most magical shortcuts - because they're the most magical shortcuts of masters and millionaires.
The more you learn about success shortcuts, the more you find yourself making use of these PowerGems.
PowerGems are universal shortcuts that work in any and every human endeavor you can think of or engage in.
Welcome to the greatest and longest winning streak of your life, with the Highway Of Natural Ways..
We do nothing for you at the Highway Of Natural Ways, We sell you nothing here, either.
The Highway Of Natural Ways is merely a reflection of the best of all shortcuts,
of the best methods you yourself mastered as a child and then abandoned.
Here, the objective is to help you to help yourself, with shortcuts.
Not just any shortcuts, no, no; the most magical shortcuts.
Let your journey into excellence begin with giving.

YOU Are Saving - Feeding The Starving
Generous sponsors of (no relation to us) perform many miracles every single day.
At last count, these great givers have been buying growing thousands of cups of food each day.
That's not for each year! Thanks to YOU, far more than any other audience on the planet,
many thousands of cups of food per hour are generated one click at a time, by you.
The Highway Of Natural Ways has always supported this magnificent task,
generating new and well-earned business while helping human beings.
Please clickthrough every day, to save a human life every day.
This is becoming the greatest food drive of all time,
outdoing every other effort ever undertaken,
and it IS thanks to your clicks. Bless you,
with or without the religious labels;
you are the saviors of earth,
of starving humanity.
Thank YOU!

There is no more noble effort within the Highway Of Natural Ways.   What goes around....

Learn more about yourself, and what you're capable of achieving,
with the Highway Of Natural Ways. created with love for your potential, by the the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You

These are the most magical shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the most magical Highway Of Natural Ways,
and provably YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.
Enjoy, the Highway Of Natural Ways is free for your life.

Regrettably, only IE and compatible browsers can see most of the EyeCandy.
Have no fear. A) There are hundreds of thousands of EyeCandy bits.
B) PowerGems are what you need to find here.
When we see the immense resources available to us all,
it is egregiously offensive to see such profound waste.
Your life is rich with opportunities, in so many areas.
The Highway Of Natural Ways urges you to awaken.
The sight of you is no less than repulsive, disgusting.
Take control of what you have the power to take control of.
Thousands of excuses for failure, and there is only one reason.
That reason does not change from circumstance to circumstance.
Excellence is always the result of the desire to be excellent, true enough?
If we do not see excellence in your life, it is because of just one basic reality:
Your lack of excellence is directly related to lack of excellence in your efforts.
If you are not hungry, on fire, even, to help you to help yourself develop mastery,
what in heaven makes you think that any other human should care about you, either?

You have millions of unique pages from the Highway Of Natural Ways, and related sites.
Millions of Lane of Greater Success self-health web pages to help you help yourself.
The time, in this day, hour, and moment, is nigh for you to accept responsibility.
Until now, you have only pretended at willingness to accept responsibility.
You are the captain of the ship, the producer of the movie, ad infinitum.
It all means that you are the one in control of destinations on the way.
It is true that you have but little control in re your final destination.
Not so the many subsidiary destinations along your life course.
You decide the destinations, or whether to have destinations.
In that case, Life, and those who have their goals in writing,
these will determine most of the course of your lifetime...
and, of course, definitively control your destination.
When you stop pretending that you know better,
your brain opens up to those one-percent-ers,
improvements of just one percent each.
The Highway Of Natural Ways, now,
pursuing YOUR destinations.

Millions of opportunities to find your PowerGems.
Remember that the Highway Of Natural Ways is in you.
A hammer on the shelf cannot bang any nails into any wall.
Fruits of the Highway Of Natural Ways comes from sustained use.
Continue asking more people, more times each, to get what you need.

Remember, what makes them THE most magical shortcuts is NOT the mere opinion of MisterShortcut.
The search for the world's most magical shortcuts has evoked both personal use AND study,
by observing the actions and words of those who use our most magical shortcuts to succeed and achieve.
That means masters and millionaires using the most magical shortcuts, repeatedly;
it means champions and billionaires using their most magical shortcuts again and again,
and it most certainly means everyday people using the most magical shortcuts to produce better results.
Although MisterShortcut has personally used just about every shortcut covered in these pages,
and in fact has used some of these shortcuts many hundreds and hundreds of times profitably,
the most important factors here are the masters and millionaires who use the most magical shortcuts,
not merely those who express opinions about what's a good idea and what may not be so good.
These are the most magical shortcuts of masters and champions who use their most magical shortcuts, repeatedly
and end up out-producing most everyone around them, also on a repeating basis of excellence in effort.
At the end of it all the PowerGems - the universal shortcuts - that you find at The Highway Of Natural Ways,
are, perhaps most deliciously of all,
the most magical shortcuts for the everyday Janes and Joes who seek true excellence.

The Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity,
designed to be your wealthiest and healthiest websites,
are literally rich with our healthiest shortcuts to Longevity and wealth.
exist to empower you to empower yourself more effectively, with the Godfather of Shortcuts

Some wonderful information is worth repeating.
When we grant a second perusal AT LEAST as much attention, if not more than we did the first,
we accelerate on the fast-track to assimilation of information that is identifiably useful to us..

What historically and provably makes these the most magical shortcuts,
meaning YOUR most magical shortcuts, is that they are not mere opinions of MisterShortcut.

The search for the world's most magical shortcuts has invoked both personal use AND study,
by observing the actions and words of people who use our most magical shortcuts to succeed fabulously.

That means masters and millionaires using the most magical shortcuts, repeatedly;
it means champions and billionaires using their most magical shortcuts again and again,
and it most certainly means everyday people using the most magical shortcuts to produce better results.

Although MisterShortcut has personally used just about every shortcut covered in these pages,
and in fact has used some of these shortcuts many hundreds and hundreds of times profitably,
the most important factors here are the masters and millionaires who use the most magical shortcuts,
not merely those who express opinions about what's a good idea and what may not be so good.
These are the most magical shortcuts of masters and champions who use their most magical shortcuts, repeatedly
and end up out-producing most everyone around them, also on a repeating basis of excellence in effort.
At the end of it all the PowerGems - the universal shortcuts - you'll find at the Highway Of Natural Ways,
perhaps most deliciously of all,
the most magical shortcuts for the everyday Janes and Joes who pursue personal excellence.

Highway Of Natural Ways Offers Better Shortcuts In Poetry

Better shortcuts can bring you there faster,
because better shortcuts help you become a master.
Reach for what's in you, stop doubting quite so much,
it's your restrictions that stop you, not those of others.
Better shortcuts often lead to even better shortcuts,
the secrets that prove your cup is filled up.
Before it tips over, wasting its treasure,
use better shortcuts in proper measure.

You already know that there is a time for most everything. Now is the better time to bring on up the better you.
When we pursue personal excellence, and beyond, opinions can so rarely serve you constructively and profitably.
Everyone seems to have a better opinion about this, and a better opinion about that. Most opinions are counter-useful.
The greatest opinions of all are the opinions that help you to help yourself, boosting you to boost yourself more efficiently.
The Highway Of Natural Ways pursues and instigates better results by starting with the better opinions of those who know best.
The only people licitly offering better opinions about better shortcuts are those who prove to BE better in their field of endeavor.
Pay more attention to those who are successfully attaining their dreams. Those who show us better prove that they know it better.
While you keep learning from who does better, your efforts, repeated with your own measure of excitement, yields better results.
The Highway Of Natural Ways shows that the better you is not in some far-flung future; The better you is already within you now.

Trust yourself. Life tends to work out better that way.