Success Shortcuts of Masters & Champions
Can you imagine yourself in a room filled with dozens of your favorite masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires?
Just, however, just as you see with men who never get dates with beautiful women simply and exclusively because they never ask for a date, or come close, eliminating them from the game of courtship entirely before the "game" even begins, you, too, get no home runs when you do not even step up to the plate.
You can hardly even guess how comprehensively you raise yourself up with even less effort than you're repeatedly, even routinely investing today... WHEN YOU SHUT UP YOUR OWN OPINIONS INTO A LOCKED CLOSET SO THAT YOU CAN ABSORB THE OPINIONS AND OBSERVATIONS OF PEOPLE REPEATEDLY DOING IT FAR BETTER THAN YOU (and in most all cases, more often). The Last Ruby - Ruby's Rubies of Success Take a fair count to see that MisterShortcut proves to be the most well-read human being, Perhaps 75 of those books have been read up to 9 or 10 times each. If only allowed to offer two authors to the world, I suppose they'd be James Herriot and Dr Maxwell Maltz. Dr. Maltz's book teaches it so well, just as Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" (more than 4,000 millionaires have publicly or privately stated very clearly that "Think and Grow Rich" was the most significant of catalysts in their becoming millionaires). 99% of you are convinced that you understand these. If it's heading towards perfection, it's because you do understand those few magical powers. If it's not, it's because you do not understand those few magical powers. Sorry to pop your bubble about how smart you think you are. Simple fact: How smart you are is determined by what you DO with what you know. It's the only possible way you can prove to yourself, let alone to the world, whether or not you really do understand any given piece of wisdom. The very same day that you understand that every single great person was considered a jerk or loser or average geek or boring or just fat or just this or that…. until the minute they made a decision to take at least one step towards a dream every single day, at least eight or nine days per week…that's the day your results will begin doubling QUICKLY. Everything you have ever learned to do with excellence, such as speaking, or, the task you've spent more time on than any other in your life… tying your shoelaces (we try thousands of times before we get it), and everything else that you're good at….. look at the few rules of perfectly powerful shortcuts. they do not fail. That's why the US produced a new millionaire, on average, 899 times per day, seven days per week, for more than five years. How delightful: 6,300 NEW US millionaires EVERY WEEK for seven years….328,571 new US millionaires every year for seven years. Every piece of great wisdom, every single shortcut discovered or developed… EVERY GREAT FACT OR OPINION… is connected to those items of wisdom.
1) Repetition of a thought, or action, including asking.2) Described briefly, "seen" on mental video... and in writing. 3) Smaller components assembled just ONE at a time. If you only choose to focus on items 1, 2, and 3 above…. 14 minutes per day (that's 1% of your time), within 10 days you will see huge, huge, huge, huuuuuuuuuuge changes happening in your life. When you do begin to understand these 3 shortcuts at a deeper level than you do now, you'll use these awesome powers to revolutionize every facet of your life, personally, financially, professionally, sexually, & more, in less than a minute.However arrogant this may sound, every month, I read more books than you read in a year. Every year or so, I read as much as most of you have read in your whole lives. Along a half-century, it seems that I' had the good fortune to read more than everyone you know… all added up together… There has never, in all of human history, been even ONE SINGLE HUMAN BEING who succeeded without first making any number of mistakes first. |
They can state what they want… in ten words or less. (They can tell you precisely WHY they want it and what they get out of it) They ask more people to say "YES." |
Think I'm kidding, or exaggerating? Go find yourself a master or millionaire, Olympic Champion or billionaire; one who YOU think is successful, however you define successful. They ask themselves, and others, more times.
I did not mysteriously or automatically arrive at a place of achieving such pleasures and responsibilities through looks, brains, connections, or talent …because I have few of these qualities. I simply shut up and found five or more people doing it better than me, wrote or called them one at a time and said,"We both know you're great at what you do, one of the best, and before I die I'd like to contribute to the world the way you do. May I buy you lunch or dinner so you can be my mentor for a half-hour?"How many do you think responded in the affirmative? If you personally wrote or called with such a message to 900 of the most super-successful authors or businesspeople, how many do YOU think would respond affirmatively? GUESS WHAT?? You have no more than the tiniest idea, and you have no right to a valid opinion until you do it!!! It tends to be the same for everything … EVERYTHING WE DO:Shut up until you've done it. Stop asking people who haven't done it. Ask MORE of the people who HAVE done it. Not your mother or husband: They're the ONLY ones with the right to speak! If you are capable of reading this, and tying your shoelaces, you are capable of becoming rich and famous in 100 days or less, or making 99% of any and all human dreams transform into reality in, more or less not much more than a hundred days, if not less… or at the very, very worst and least, you will be closer to it in 100 days…..than you have gotten in all the years of your life… all added together up until now.
Are you getting the hint yet?What could POSSIBLY be stopping you from playing pretend for just 15 UNINTERRUPTED minutes pr day? Mister Shortcut is here to tell you, to assure you with the utmost vigor of discourse, guaranteeing to you, UNCONDITIONALLY, that you playing your favorite mental video for 15 uninterrupted minutes per day will bring astonishing and wonderful and happy changes in your life WITHIN A WEEK OR TWO at most… or as quickly as a few minutes. You are repeatedly reminded, balaboring the point if necessary, that you have no right to a valid opinion on any subject on this earth until you personally have CONSIDERABLE experience at it. Until then, please, please…. shut up. Follow the steps of those you admire the most, whoever they are. Not what you know….. Whether today is a finger-snapping, toe-tapping, star-SPANGLED day for YOU, Back to the Top of Page Masters and Millionaires |
Back to the Top of Page Masters and Millionaires II MisterShortcut is pleased to present you with universal shortcuts for total winning. QRA is a Lane of Greater Success Centerpiece - because it works! Regulata and YOUR Highway Of Natural Ways > |
Enjoy the largest website in town - the Highway Of Natural Ways, with 1,000,000 web pages - all for YOU!
© EasyStreet, USA All rights reserved for those who reach out to starving people. ![]() Those who make profit from this information are obligated to invest my share into feeding truly hungry people. Fair enough? and to the abiding gifts of those who give. They are the finest voices of a generation. Click up to the top of this Highway Of Natural Ways page LastRuby here, and LastRuby there, LastRuby here, and LastRuby there, |
Contents |
Power |
Who?? |
Health! |
Goals |
Test |
Focus |
Pay You |
Say nay? |
Free |
Ruby 2 |
Science |
Popcorn |
Boss |
iceberg |
Valid |
Critics |
Ben Rich |
Doctor |
Ballerina |
Failure |
Ask! |
W W N |
Pareto |
Viola |
GL1 |
Current |
Lawyers |
32,000 |
Last Ruby |
It's YOU |
Hope? |
Bartender |
Dream |
Masters |
Shorcuts |
Satisfy |
Desire |
Piano |
More!! |
Dating |
Cybernetic |
Can't? |
Power |
Who?? |
Health! |
Test |
Focus |
Mr-S |
Science |
Popcorn |
Boss |
Doctor |
Ballerina |
Failure |
Ask! |
W W N |
Millions! |
Pareto |
Viola |
GL1 |
Current |
Lawyers |
32,000 |
iceberg |
It's YOU |
Hope? |
Bartender |
Dream |
Masters |
Shorcuts |
Satisfy |
Desire |
Piano |
More!! |
Dating |
Cybernetic |
Can't? |
Contents |
Power |
Who?? |
Health II |
Goals |
Test |
Focus |
Mr-S |
Say nay? |
Free |
Ruby 2 |
Science |
Popcorn |
Boss |
iceberg |
Import |
Critics |
Ben Rich |
Doctor |
Ballerina |
Failure |
Ask! |
W W N |
Use It |
Viola |
GL1 |
Current |
Lawyers |
Starving |
Last Ruby |
It's YOU |
Hope? |
Bartender |
Dream |
Masters |
Shorcuts |
Satisfy |
Desire |
Piano |
More!! |
Dating |
Cybernetic |
Can't? |