You Might Not Believe It About Your Own Body! 
to have to bring it up; the importance is tough to exaggerate and deserves
we eat, we sometimes take in other life forms that are still alive. Most of them are far too small for the human
eye to see, or nose to smell; really tiny critters. From first breath to last, free radicals (whose primary function
is to eat human flesh) are the least of our multi-legged non-friends to impact
our lives. There are in fact many thousands of life forms we ingest and keep.
As the years go by, they nestle comfortably throughout your digestive
system. Health food fanatic or
couch-fried potato, the inner lining of
your not-so-small small intestine has years of undigested red meats and
thousands of bacteria and multi-celled little bastards that are designed to do
you poorly all crammed up against the walls of that very long tube of wet
Some Russian scientists, in the course of unrelated study, saw that minor
electrical impulses literally stimulate parasites in every living human
body. We are not talking about the
healthy level of immune-boosting foreign presence/particles in the human body.
You are hosting very real parasites, as are all of us. Some are good, the vast majority are not.
The scientists established photographically-documented results wherein small
capsules with specific electric impulses empty your body of the vast majority
of as many as hundreds of millions of unnecessary – or at least excessive –
parasites living off of the undigested animal proteins and natural decay called
fecal matter… in your lower intestine.
If you think that any of this is an exaggeration you are invited to look into
an encyclopedia or call your family doctor. Ask how many parasites live in the
typical human intestine, particularly in adults.
Dr. Cohen is a strong arbiter and proponent of the device, using it himself
every few months.
When you study consistent results with a substance, to a degree that you
use it yourself, it’s as definitive a statement as any of us can make.
Expelling parasites gets to be addictive when you get to see the microscopic
you see what’s leaving your body and you realize how much of your natural
strength, balance, and well-being are affected by influences we’re not always
consciously aware of. To watch the
little nasties wiggling around, and knowing they’re thriving and multiplying in
an environment that we ourselves provide and enhance, is an experience worth
going through for those who are committed to living a bit longer, a bit better.
The US government proclaimed that by year 2010, half of all Americans would be
over the age of 65. We’re close enough to that point to realize that some
people live longer, and some don’t. When we examine those who do live longer,
it’s silly not to pay careful attention to what they’re doing and saying. If we’re not getting it from the horse’s
mouth, well then, at which end of the horse are we getting caught at?
The pest-zapper is currently exclusive in America under one major
licensee. As the zapper continues to
grow in popularity, it’s expected that copycats, hopefully as good as the
original, are inevitable. For those
interested, call Dr. Cohen’s office about the zapper.
In the meantime, you’re reminded that the so-called “KISS” of success is still
acronymic for Keep It Simple, Stupid.
So many of the turn-of-the-century corporate successes are in no small
way attributable to the narrow and precise goals of most CEO’s of the day.
it grows in the ground and is sold for human consumption, you can fairly rely
upon it being better for both the quality and quantity of your life; better
than just about anything that’s man made or animal-based. It doesn’t mean becoming a certified
tree-hugger, just a reminder that people who eat celery tend to outlive the
French fry champions.
Of course we’re meant to enjoy those French-fried treats or a dozen other
temptations; provided we do so occasionally, and not as a habit.
it comes from another animal, whether it tastes delicious or not is, so sorry
to say, secondary to how your immune system feels about it. In fact, every item that comes into the
human body from another animal depresses and literally assaults your immune
system. Indulging here and there is
wonderful, whether it’s ice cream, maybe a fattening soup, or whatever it is
that floats your boat. If it’s now a
habit for you to eat poorly, don’t bother trying to change instantly or
overnight. Pendulums tend to swing
consistently, along the lines of what a fellow named Isaac Newton would call
“equal and opposite reaction,” so we wouldn’t want to go too far in one
What Dr. Cohen
specifically recommends is the once-in-awhile trade of something crappy you’re
about to eat for something more nutritious, whether it’s fresh carrots or just
a glass of water.
more. It just makes sense. Your brain requires tiny amounts of glucose
and enormous amounts of oxygen. That’s
the bulk of it. Take the time, MAKE
them time to breathe just a bit deeper, both in and out.
You might surprise yourself, in terms of having more energy, clearer thinking,
especially when you’re asked a question that requires thought/analysis. With so
many people enjoying this particular extra fringe benefit of breathing, there
can be no coincidence: breathing more fully not just in, but as well breathing
out fully and then inhaling fully brings fast, powerful results that are tough
to ignore.
Simplify your life. Get rid of pestilent influences.
My dear, you have only one go-round on
this carnival ride we call “My Life.” If you’re one of the lucky few, you might
even get a second chance. You’ve heard
that phrase “second chance” many times.
In case you’re wondering, it means “second chance to live life with
excitement, health, passion, extended youth, and great sleep.
to the Highway Of Natural Ways, empowering you to you empower yourself.
With so many doctors focusing more on money than service,
the Highway Of Natural Ways and related sites are here for you.
EVERY known malady has an equal and opposite natural remedy.
Newton's third law of physics applies to health as much as anything else.
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That's the ultimate goal of the Highway Of Natural Ways.