Make the most of YOUR internalized Lane of Greater Success,
developed and
collected from those who do it best, masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
compliments of the Highway Of Natural Ways

Philosophers and great leaders throughout all of recorded history have disagreed on just about any and every subject we could name. Notice that I wrote "...just about any and every..." there is one area in which all great minds appear to agree, literally without exception. This alone commands absolute attention from any rational thinker seeking a better way, and more so the thinker who seeks a faster way.

Harvard University, Princeton, Stanford's Brain Trust, many other universities and research organizations, along with individual giants in the fields of psychology and motivation, such as Dr. Abram Maslow, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Denis Waitley, and countless others, have each shown, with both teaching and their personal experiences -- walking the talk, as it were -- the beautiful truth that high achievers and peak performers are consistent... perhaps even obsessive goal-setters.

People who have long & consistent histories of being low achievers? Once they begin listing and pursuing their goals on a literally day-to-day basis, end up being SUPERperformers! I understand that 90%-plus of U.S. millionaires go broke at least twice... and then rebuild their fortunes. A ship's captain doesn't get to see his destination -- or target (goal) -- for fully 99% of his voyage. Many times along the way, wind, tide, mechanical problems, & other factors will take him off-course. By making the necessary corrections along the way, he'll eventually get to where he wants to go.

Is your life, or mine, any different? We ALL have places we wouldn't mind going to ... enjoying a better relationship with our spouses or children; obtaining a higher position in our organization; travel to foreign lands, or even within our own country; learning a new trade; earning more money in our current field; maybe entering a new career that we dreamed about as teenagers... your chances of making it happen actually multiply when you take the trouble to put your wish on paper, & break it into smaller steps. This empowers you to notice what corrections need to be made along the way.

The more we study the subject of goal-setting, the more exciting it becomes thanks to the sheer simplicity and effectiveness of goal-setting; and of how much it changes the lives of people who accept the importance of setting goals... written goals.

So why is it that barely four and five percent of us really reach out & strive to change those dreams from a "Gee, I wish I..." into hard fact?Are you willing to live the remaining years of your life with the knowledge that those we leave behind will NOT be able to say about us, "Yes, he lived his life as he wished;" or "Yes, she reached out for her lifetime goals by taking daily steps year in and year out"??

We get one shot at Life. That "shot" is today. If you screwed up yesterday, that's cool... because today is one single day in which you can change the direction you've been headed in. If you have no written goals & plans, then I'll bet that most of the past 100-500 days have found you doing the same old thing, day in, day out, w/ barely-noticeable digression from consistent mediocrity.

In one study alone, as Senior Associate Director of the Who's Who Registry, I asked several thousand upper-level decision makers, "To what do you attribute your success?" the most consistent response I received from Chairmen of the Board, Presidents, CEO's, and other top executives, was: "Setting specific goals... and referring back to them over and over.."

A decided majority of the masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires whose wisdom constitutes most of the Lane of Greater Success, as well as the Highway Of Natural Ways, that we have a responsibility to get the most out of our one lifetime. More importantly than what I think, I'd like to know what YOU think. Talk is cheap. Why not pick up pen & paper right now? Put a date on a dream, it's not a dream any longer; rather, a finite target and goal, with an attendant ability to measure every finite step of progress. Your willingness to accept and act upon this within the next minutes of your life has an equal and opposite power to make it happen for you faster and faster and faster than you've ever approached a worthwhile desire in your life.

Answer this question to yourself with as much honesty as you can:

Should you personally interview four thousand self-made millionaires, and more than three thousand and nine hundred of them specifically refer to written goal-setting in identfying how they got so rich, would it be enough for you to realize that the act of writing a goal is in itself a huge and powerful tool that is guaranteed to bring you closer, and faster, to your greatest desires?

How hard can it be to write down the 3 things you'd most like in life, and then breaking each one down into thirty or forty or sixty smaller steps? How about one step for each of the next 30 months?

A thousand days might sound like a great deal. In reality, life flashes by so quickly that you can remember the last thousand days of your life as if they were just a few weeks or months. the thousand days ahead of you will zoom by as quickly as these past 1000 days have flown by. Stick a ten-dollar bill in a jar every day for a thousand days and you've got yourself seed money for two or more businesses, don't you?

We can finish with this for now with just one question, one that perhaps YOUR internal Highway Of Natural Ways hopes you'll give at least fifteen solid minutes of consideration to between this minute, and the minute you next put your head on a pillow to sleep.

Let's consider having more than enough time, money, support, and whatever other resources you might require. Answering ONLY yourself for now,

If the odds were stacked in your favor, here and now, today,
... if, in fact it was made relatively impossible for you to fail, what three things would YOU accomplish in the next 1000 days?

Those few of you w/ enough sense to answer in WRITTEN detail will notice impressive advances--

in the next 10 to 30 days!! The Highway Of Natural Ways posits that it's time to stop talking...
... and get busy writing, yes?

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Make life fuller and richer with the use of YOUR Highway Of Natural Ways.
Every human endeavor has experts, and they all use effective shortcuts.
Here, the Highway Of Natural Ways invites you to reach for your best.

We do so by first knowing & listing PRECISELY what we most want.
Then, we identify those people who are already doing it better.

By observing and imitating great masters and champions,
we illuminate our own pathways. That's a big shortcut.

Total Winning is easier with universal shortcuts.

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The Highway Of Natural Ways,
the Highway Of Natural Ways, masters and millionaires.

Goals And The Highway Of Natural Ways

Goals for this and goals for that,
goals can take you closer than that.
All that you've known, all you desire,
get close when you set your goals on fire.
Not the fire that burns out of control,
goals can guide us, and make us whole.
The fire that burns from within, now,
are the the goals you have set,
with a deadline for "how."

Set up your goals, and set your goals up,
to find that those goals, will bring you to sup,
at the table of life, filled with goals so very rich,
consider all your goals, and tinker with each one's role.

Set up your goals, and and set your goals up. Reach, reach, REACH!

Goals are at the center of any use of your own Highway Of Natural Ways.

That's why the Highway Of Natural Ways aims to be your goal-setting capital,
why the Highway Of Natural Ways is here to be your goal-achieving central source.

Recognizing the core axiom that success cannot occur by accident is a potent shortcut in itself.

Without goals to guide us towards where we want to go,

... we're most likely to end up somehwere else.

You've made it to the Shapelinks Capital of the World, The Highway Of Natural Ways,
where the Godfather of Shapelinks turns you on to interactive beauty to promote your success.

The techniques and methods, the secrets and shortcuts to success that we share at The Highway Of Natural Ways,
are among the perfect laws of life. As a result, The Highway Of Natural Ways is the true path and route for you.

Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
just waiting to be brought out in the best possible light. Now, it's your turn.

Learn more in order to live more, at the Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity,
amounting to what may be the internet's healthiest websites,   certainly the largest empowerment website.

Even better, The Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity creations,
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it's fair to describe MisterShortcut as the "World's Richest Man" or "The Richest Man on Earth,"
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others.

Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advantage.   Get wealthy by giving.
You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the Highway Of Natural Ways tastes delicious.
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That is what these extraordinarly self-help websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
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crafted for your success by Mister-Shortcut, for You

Goals are a cornerstone of the Highway Of Natural Ways, and Lane of Greater Success as well.
If you do not know precisely where you want to go, you'll likely end up somewhere else.

Invest a minute, even now, setting goals, which are dreams with deadlines assigned.
YOU get to choose the goal, the deadline, the people who can help you get there,
the organizations with resources that can help you to move closer to your goals,
YOU get to identify the smaller steps that can carry you from "here to there."

Prioritize YOUR goals today. Make the Highway Of Natural Ways work for you.