It is so simple that we don't see the forest because of all the trees. Power and resources galore at your immediate disposal, and you're too busy complaining about the obstacles in your way to even be ABLE to focus on resolving those obstacles to better access your powers. |
The most unfulfilled people are those who spend a whole lifetime getting paid for jobs they hate. This is such a revealing example of exquisite stupidity. You see, how we spend our minutes is a clear preview of how we're spending our lives. Without any measurable exceptions, each of the fifty-two HUNDRED masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires that I've encountered makes it a habit to make habits. Whether it's finding a way to get paid for doing whatever you love the most -- instead of just having a job for three or seven or twenty years... ... ...or attaining a date with that dreamboat... ...or losing 22 lbs... ....or finding a way to invest in quality time with loved ones... or owning your own home within 100 weeks... , ,,or any other desire you can name... you have instant access to accelerated results. Sure, it may take a full day or two, on rare occasions more, for you to see some of the results. In each case, you will experience accelerated results. Since you're already GETTING results, better use of the tools you already possess can only increase the speed and quality of those results. the faster you will see more of the results your inner heart wishes for. I know you've got more than 200,000 temperature detectors in your body, 107 million visual receptors of incredible sophistication in each eye; more than 500 THOUSAND touch detectors; 48,000 hi-tech receiving fibers in each ear, more than FOUR MILLION pain-sensitive structures in your body... and literally tens of thousands of millions of computer chips within your brain to handle all that information at a rate that makes lightning speed look like a crawl. With all this and so much more at your command, are you really trying to tell me that you can't double your income in the next 100 to 200 days? Oh, you're a slowpoke, and it might take you 300, or even 400 days. Gee, what a bummer. Four hundred days to make a dream come true... Are YOU capable of committing to a dream come true? 330 days x 15 minutes pr day = 5000 minutes of practice. Enormous results every time. "But if I've never done it before, how am I supposed to know how?" Power Shortcut: find people who are already doing it. Over the course of these thousands of deliciously studious days of drinking in the Highway Of Natural Ways, living and breathing and compiling the Highway Of Natural Ways (in no small part thanks to the Route To High Longevity, the first people always pursued in each area of excellence?THOSE WHO DO IT BEST! I've been able to study 5,200 of the most successful people in history. Tapes, books, internet, university findings, videos, & more, full time! Throughout this period, I tried to list every commonality I could find in these people. At the same time, I experimented with some of the commonalities in my own life. I was supposed to be in a wheelchair for life, thanks to a drunken driver hitting a van I was a passenger in... at 100+ MPH. It seemed to me that nooobody knows better about how to do something.... than people who have done it. Not talked about it, advised about it, suggested, demanded/offered; no, no, no, we're talking about PEOPLE WHO SHUT UP, WENT OUT AND DID IT. I specifically looked for people who'd overcome life-challenging physical obstacles. People who wanted something specific,
& did it not just once, but numerous times. Boy, was I in for some surprises! (EXAMPLE: Of more than 5000 people who hit the top in their field, better than 93% of our topmost achievers, without exception, had long histories of screw-ups, failures, and/or inactivity prior to becoming superexcellent). This alone represent the single largest common trait. So already we see instant good news for those of us who tend to strike out a great deal.   What happens when you --- and I literally, particularly do mean you --- when you combine your understanding with the mathematically perfect guarantee from using The Highway Of Natural Ways 'opposite record' to your advantage? Who holds the record for most misses almost uniformly will hold the record for the most successes. Mathematically, there's no argument that if you try something ten times in one year, you can't possibly be as good at when you try that same thing 1000 times within one year, yes or no? It's so simple that your brain is missing it entirely. You have all the reasons and excuses. Arthur Marzigliano laughingly repeated on a regular basis, "There are thousands of excuses for failure, and only one reason." He'd patiently wait, and if we didn't respond quickly enough he'd yell, "Inadequate effort, dummy!" It's the ultimate catch-all and do-all that decides whether you get what you want in life. It consistently and even always boils down to that one question: "Did you do it enough times to get it?" Yes, or no. Either you put forth sufficient effort to make it happen.. ... or you didn't. All else is meaningless, truly meangingless mental meandering of an immoderately myopic mind. Like it or not, 90% of us, no matter what education level we've got, are so intensely stupid we'll read only one chapter of a book, barely making use of the instantly transferable power found in its pages. Ouch. We know you're smart enough to understand HOW, I'm merely observing that more than 90% of you are not smart enough toDO. Remember: It's not what you know, it's what you DO with what you know that determines your success or failure in everything you do from birth to death. Since you use this huge power every day for minor things, why not apply the same rules to major things? Obviously, power shortcuts produce results: I walk, run, ride my bikes and live each day with passion and excellence in mind, despite being told I'd be in a wheelchair for life. I've broken or shattered records at company after company. It's not me, kids, it's the Power Shortcuts used by Winners. |
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