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Breath of Life II: 

Breathing, Relaxation And Stretching For Stress Relief


When we decoct - or boil down -- all the priorities of life into the truly "vital," a word which comes from the Latin root meaning "life," there are only two things so precious.

Air is one; water is the other. The only two resources we cannot survive long without, yet we all tend to rob ourselves more than our enemies do, by not taking in more of these two precious goodies, by purloining our access to these sweetest of all treasures. (Should you think that’s exaggeration, go five three full minutes without oxygen or spend one full day in the desert without water, and let’s see how sweet these treasures taste at that point, hmm?)

Eighty or more percent of us persist in breathing too little, although breathing is one of the two fastest shortcuts to superior health; superior balance of emotions and body.

The considerations are health, and pleasure. To function and thrive, the brain requires only two nutrients: small amounts of glucose, and large amounts of oxygen. The pleasure is in robust health, correct?

The fact that we require oxygen on a never-ending basis teaches us that taking in more of that oxygen can only provide benefit. The immune system; the healing factors in the blood; the carbon dioxide exchange; muscle and tissue function; the increase in both speed and quality of creative response -- and don't forget that more oxygen means a higher and more efficient level of brain function -- all add up to powerful reasons to get more oxygen. This is a definite shortcut to superior health.


All these benefits just from taking in more air. That's why the need is so vital, or life giving. Your drug company won’t tell you that, because it would reduce the bloated profits they make from you on mostly unnecessary, physically excessive pharmaceuticals, every one of which has unpleasant side effects. Your doctor won’t tell you that, because it would reduce your need of his practice.

Look at any human being whom you admire for grace under fire and you will notice that they make a very conscious habit of responding to crisis with a long, slow, thoughtful deep breath. Without exception, the brain functions much better under stress when oxygen to the brain is increased. Look at every single Olympic gold medalist and you will see someone who breathes deeply, properly, turning it quickly into a habit. The better you breathe, the better your brain operates.

Even if the air quality in your neighborhood is not perfect, taking in more fresh outside air, especially in the morning, when the dew has washed the early air of the day, will instantly begin providing your body with one of the two richest and most vital nutrients available to all life forms on earth. You benefit short-term and long-term when you put more oxygen into your brain and body.

Powerful, fast results are yours when you push MORE air out when you exhale, and pull more in when you inhale. Not just pulling in more air; more importantly, pushing out much, much more than you have been, so that you will take more oxygen in with your next deep breath after expelling more of the garbage out of your lungs. Doing this ten or more times per day will boost your intelligence, increase the number and quality of solutions that occur to you regarding life’s obstacles; increase your immune function; heal injuries faster; keep your skin more resilient, and so much more.

Expel more air when you are breathing out, and suck more air in when you are breathing in.

Do you realize how many organs and subsystems of the human being are boosted
when we increase our oxygen intake?

Talk less, breathe more.     Breathing is a POWERFUL Resource!

Oliver Wendell Holmes had a powerful comment about our waste of resources. How perfectly does our supercharged, energizing, empowering, free air fit into these categories?
Talk less, breathe more.


O.W. Holmes:
"It is a tragedy that here in America, we waste our natural resources by using too many of them.

It is of infinitely greater tragedy that we waste our human resources… by not using enough of them."


© Mr_Shortcut

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In Memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and a dedicated student, known to many as Mr_Shortcut

No empowerment website could be complete without acknowledging the enormously positive influence brought by Paul Newman,
who's given over a hundred million dollars in profits to feeding hungry people. Thank you, sir.

Make good use of your time getting healthier here,
at what may well be the biggest naturopathic website in the universe, with the Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy  

Breath of life
at the largest naturopathic website in the world

This is The Highway Of Natural Ways.
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