This is the Highway Of Natural Ways, with Mr_ShortcutThis is your life and your health. You must take control back,
because the decisions you make today -- or let someone else make today --
as often as not determine how long you live and how well you live.

The Highway Of Natural Ways is HuGe --tap any keyboard button -- and fly to another delightful piece of the
USE YOUR F11 keyboard button - Quite a difference, ey?   It's been a pleasure.

The US FDA --justifiably, in most cases -- places huge restrictions on people or company making claims about healing, including Lane of Greater Success and supplements or remedies. They also place significant and defined restrictions on any claims about treatments or diagnosis. Although this inhibits advertising, it helps to keep a watch over the incompetents and mountebanks that exist in all industries and professions.

MisterShortcut challenges YOU to heal naturally, more effectively than through any other method, and all who accept the challenge are URGED with great vigor of discourse to involve your doctor in this process, because part of our goal is to absolutely get your doctor's fullest, most enthusiastic agreement that the Bodyscan is one of the five most important health developments in human history.

CHALLENGE: Put any ten diagnosticians into a room. They can be surgeons, GP's, or even diagnostic specialists.
They can all examine you, one at a time, or ten at a time. They can ask you as many questions and poke or prod you for hours and hours.

Now, without saying a word to the doctor or practitioner operating the Bodyscan, have a Bodyscan done. In one hour, Dr. Cohen or other expert in the Bodyscan will read your report, and without you ever having said a word, will not only tell you nine times out of ten what is bothering you now -- get this -- you will also be told what bothered you as many as ten or twenty, eirty years ago, and what your most likely future challenges are.

In no less than eighty to ninety percent of all humans who take the Bodyscan, the accuracy level of Dr. Cohen or similar expert will be considerably and most definitely MEASURABLY more accurate than not just ANY of the diagnostic specialists, rather, more accurate and, ultimately, more useful to you living stronger and longer -- than the findings of all ten diagnostic specialists... all added up together. There is no ethical way on earth to stop the growth and expansion of the Bodyscan's popularity and effective use. We say "ethical" because there IS one problem: there is no justification for charging thousands of dollars for a Bodyscan. It is merely a biofeedback therapy device which galvanically looks at two things:
1) the reaction of each of your organs and tissues to thousands of substances, ie: toxins, bacteria, molds, and so much more.

2) the energetic or energy level of all organs and tissues.

In plain English, if the Bodyscan operator can tell you that you have an extraordinary sensitivity to such and such, and you then remove that such and such from your environment, fantastic improvements can result in a stunning range of human health challenges.

The device doesn't heal, treat, or even diagnose - it simply tells you what you need to do to let your body NATURALLY fight off challenges from simple allergives to major cardiac failure or the whole range of diseases we are known to experience.

Get busier and better at the most empowering website in the world, with Mr_Shortcut
The Highway Of Natural Ways is huge -- tap any keyboard character to visit another Mister_Shortcut website of empowerment, joy, and a bit of EyeCandy

These hundreds of thousands of healthy and wealthy web pages,
beginning with The Highway Of Natural Ways and Route To High Longevity,
filled with YOUR healthiest shortcuts to health and wealth, exist because you are a valuable, important human being.
Fact is, there is a mathematical need to recognize, like it or not,
that you may be one of the thousand of each generation,
one thousand very unique humans,
who truly change the world for you personally by ...

Shortcuts I     Mr_Shortcut II       Striving High III       Mr_Shortcut IV       Shortcuts V       Shortcuts VI

Winners VII       Mister_Shortcut VIII     Mr_Shortcut IX       Striving High X

Shortcuts XIII         Mr_Shortcut XIV         Shortcuts XV

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 Highway Of Natural Ways