Bodyscan Biofeedback Information Testimonials Phazx BodyScan2010 at the Highway Of Natural Ways |
You win the game of life by living well. Keep things simple.
With hundreds of thousands of dead patients every year,
the only person willing to claim that medicine works,
is the individual who has an interest in saying so.
That's tough for you to accept. We understand.
Your IQ is what, 80, 90, 100 or thereabouts?
The Highway Of Natural Ways is different.
Based on the findings of smart folks,
people with IQ's above 150 - 180.
Stop feeling insulted by this;
call it a quirk of birth.
Fact is, those who do better
are the people who know better.
By tapping into what THEY know better,
you multiply the chances of YOU living better,
living stronger for longer with more robust health.
You think you know more than Paul Newman, saintly human?
Forget the thousands of charities this amazing man has given to.
Just consider his announcement just after his eightieth happy birthday:
"As of next year, I will no longer compete in professional car racing anymore."
Whew! Do you even understand the physical requirements of professional car racing?
Never mind the mental demands; the physical demands alone are beyond what you do daily.
So, when one like Paul Newman speaks about being so active after several consecutive decades,
does it not make sense for the rest of us to hush up and listen to the wisdom coming from a wise man?
callers speak directly with Dr. Cohen at 1
Between ninety-five and one hundred percent of all males will, at some point or another,
experience enlargement of the prostate gland. It is hard to escape gravity, frankly.
Saw palmetto works almost instantly for roughly seventy percent of all men.
Your best health tip is to make sure it is CONCENTRATED saw palmetto.
Betasitesterol works for approximately eighty percent of all males.
Using these two relatively inexpensive, perfectly safe remedies,
you'll heal yourself naturally at a tiny percent of the Rx cost.
Why are many using approaches with horrible side effects?
Used together, saw palmetto and betasitosterol,
both of which are natural and inexpensive,
provides relief for about 100% of all men.
Think twice before you go to an M.D.
The good ones have little money,
the bad ones collect plenty.
They're better at money
than at good healing.
So, heal yourself.
Do it naturally.
Top doctors are those who use Lane of Greater Success and medicines
before turning to toxic pharmaceutical approaches.
When we learn how to be our own top doctors, we will ALL live stronger for longer
The Highway Of Natural Ways is offered to youas one of the world's healthiest websites, and best overall source of shortcuts.
Learn more about and for you he easier we find it is to live more, earn more, give more.
A goal of the Route To High Longevity is for you to find the healthiest shortcuts and health tips of Longevity,
using them endlessly to live healthier and wealthier, live happier and more fulfilled with these healthier tips.
The Highway Of Natural Ways is a big portion of the largest and most empowering Highway Of Natural Ways .
The Route To High Longevity is self-explanatory, pursuing the best information on health and Longevity,
sharing the methods and secrets of long-lived people. Good health is augmented by good information.
The more we learn, the stronger, the longer we tend to live. You deserve to live longer.
Embracing the Highway Of Natural Ways means working WITH your doctor so you can fire your doctor.
All of these hundreds of thousands of Highway Of Natural Ways pages, packed with healthy tips,
and all of these "healthiest websites" pertaining to health and Longevity,
have each been designed and created by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
also known as the Godfather of EyeCandy for his artistic flair.
The idea at each site is for you to live stronger for longer, using the best and greatest shortcuts of role models,
the same shortcuts used by leaders, masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires. and long-lived people.
Learn more in order to live more. You'll certainly benefit from the shortcuts,
the so-called secrets, and the EyeCandy here at the Highway Of Natural Ways,
and the most empowering website in the universe, the Highway Of Natural Ways.
With your mind in mind,
You win the game of life by living well. Keep things simple.
With hundreds of thousands of dead patients every year,
the only person willing to claim that medicine works,
is the individual who has an interest in saying so.
That's tough for you to accept. We understand.
Your IQ is what, 80, 90, 100 or thereabouts?
The Highway Of Natural Ways is different.
Based on the findings of smart folks,
people with IQ's above 150 - 180.
Stop feeling insulted by this;
call it a quirk of birth.
Fact is, those who do better
are the people who know better.
By tapping into what THEY know better,
you multiply the chances of YOU living better,
living stronger for longer with more robust health.
You think you know more than Paul Newman, saintly human?
Forget the thousands of charities this amazing man has given to.
Just consider his announcement just after his eightieth happy birthday:
"As of next year, I will no longer compete in professional car racing anymore."
Whew! Do you even understand the physical requirements of professional car racing?
Never mind the mental demands; the physical demands alone are beyond what you do daily.
So, when one like Paul Newman speaks about being so active after several consecutive decades,
does it not make sense for the rest of us to hush up and listen to the wisdom coming from a wise man?
callers speak directly with Dr. Cohen at 1
Between ninety-five and one hundred percent of all males will, at some point or another,
experience enlargement of the prostate gland. It is hard to escape gravity, frankly.
Saw palmetto works almost instantly for roughly seventy percent of all men.
Your best health tip is to make sure it is CONCENTRATED saw palmetto.
Betasitesterol works for approximately eighty percent of all males.
Using these two relatively inexpensive, perfectly safe remedies,
you'll heal yourself naturally at a tiny percent of the Rx cost.
Why are many using approaches with horrible side effects?
Used together, saw palmetto and betasitosterol,
both of which are natural and inexpensive,
provides relief for about 100% of all men.
Think twice before you go to an M.D.
The good ones have little money,
the bad ones collect plenty.
They're better at money
than at good healing.
So, heal yourself.
Do it naturally.
Top doctors are those who use Lane of Greater Success and medicines
before turning to toxic pharmaceutical approaches.
When we learn how to be our own top doctors, we will ALL live stronger for longer
While the initial function of this page was an opportunity for the Route To High Longevity to present you with another Bodyscan endorsement or testimonial, you will find that there are an infinite number of layers and functions within the features and primary purposes of the Route To High Longevity.
www.Alternative-Medicine-Doctor.Biz - Our "biz" is natural healing, with, of course, alternative medicines and remedies - MisterShortcut is thrilled to bring you the Highway Of Natural Ways, the most thrilling website on the internet, for YOUR life
Right there with the Route To High Longevity you can delve into the even-larger Highway Of Natural Ways,
which is the mother of all the thousands of large websites crafted for you by the Godfather of Shortcuts.
The Psychology of Shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires, who know best.
If you do not get it from the horse's mouth, are you getting it from the wrong end of the horse?
Learn more so you can live more, with a taste of the Highway Of Natural Ways. Help yourself.
Another MisterShortcut creation for the Highway Of Natural Ways and the Route To High Longevity.
As with all wisdom, each page is carefully crafted to provide YOU with multiple opportunities to increase your brain functions for the greater intention of greater results. Thank you, Walter, for your persuasive testimonial endorsement of the Bodyscan2010.
Best of all is sticking to the basics of water, oil, air-dried sea salt, bulk, and good bacteria. Those five are nothing less than what humans describe as magic, because amazing and profound improvements occur in approximately one hundred percent of all humans who take in these five items hundreds of times per year.
Whether or not you eat garbage, these five are magic. They promote health, youth, vitality, brain function, happiness, and so much more.
Having the Bodyscan is, unscientifically, a blessing a half. Scientifically, it instantly proves to be worth more than a hundred or a thousand medical practitioners standing around practicing and guessing. That's why they have a medical practice: to practice. That's not good enough for me. It is hoped, through the Route To High Longevity, that you will also refuse to blindly obey other people, whether or not they are more interested in money than healing. Participation is critical.
Do you know that you only need to learn three new facts per day about whatever YOUR health challenge is?
Sure, you are allowed to learn five or ten per day if you like, but you only NEED to learn three per day.
You see, in one hundred days, you will know far more than your doctor about your narrow problem.
Even if you have cardiac problems. When you have hundreds of narrowly-focused, useful facts stored inside your mind after one hundred days, you now know most everything you could need or want to know about how to dig YOURSELF out of the hole you dug by having chosen either a bad diet or parents with pitiful genes.
If your health challenge is very serious, then you are certainly wise to learn at least five to ten new facts per day. Again, at the end of one hundred days, you are possession of approximately one thousand highly useful facts. Each of those thousand relates directly to YOUR condition or challenge.
So many master secrets of the universe to taste and enjoy. Since your time is running out, 86,400 opportunities per day, you are unlikely to find a better day in your entire life to launch yourself upwards with better decisions, and the guidance of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.
From the Highway Of Natural Ways to the Route To High Longevity and beyond, never stop researching. Reasearch, even in little tiny, one-minute bites, produce so much for you, including preservation and continued improvement of your brain and mind.
Please stop trying to be smarter than those who do. Please stop pretending to know more than those who do. Re-read the ten words of the previous sentence to find the second intended meanings.
Go ahead and look for the facts that help to bring you what you want. If that starts with Bodyscan, or includes the Bodyscan, so much the better for you.
Thank you, geniuses of the computer and internet age, those pioneers who came first to blaze a way,
who helped inspire and guide the Route To High Longevity and Highway Of Natural Ways into existence.